These datasets flagged as public in WHG include a growing set of historical contributions , as well as several in a non-historical "core." They can be browsed on their linked pages, explored in context of the entire repository on the Search page, and accessed programmatically with our Index and Database APIs.

All such public data are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License, requirements of which appear alongside download links on all Dataset and Collection pages H = Historical; C = Core (non-historical)

` `
title rows description modified contributor type
Aladag 294 Aladag 2023-05-13 Sinai H
AlThurayyaTry 2241 AlThurayyaTry 2024-01-02 Sinai H
Damast 447 damast 2024-11-14 Sinai H
Himme 18290 himme 2023-04-24 Sinai H
Trismegistos 23176 Trismegistos 2023-06-05 Sinai H

These dataset and place collections have been flagged "public" in WHG. Most are downloadable from their linked page. Public data contained therein are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.

id type title count created creator